I grew up around Gavins Point Dam stretching across the boundary of Nebraska and South Dakota. Severe flooding on the upper Missouri may be a rare event, but harsh criticism of the the US ARMY corp of engineers isn't. For decades, stakeholders up and down the river have waged a fierce struggle over how the corps has managed water releases from the great 6 Missouri River reservoirs -- struggles triggered equally by periods of low water as this year's high water.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

We're Your Government, And We're Here To Help

Hamburg, Iowa worked with the Army Corps of Engineers to build another 8 feet on their 11-foot levee. That impressive levee held back up to 17 feet of rushing water for 120 days. It cost nearly $6 million, paid for with federal emergency funds.

Hamburg wants to keep the levee. Never hurts to have some insurance, right? Plus, it's already there.
NOPE, says the federal government! The levee needs to be taken down! If you need it again, we'll build it again. And that makes sense to somebody, apparently!

Read more: http://www.kfab.com/pages/voorhees.html#ixzz21d1tyfjS


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